Master your German online

Master your German

Audios related to my UDEMY course

Peter Bloecker

Jul 04 2015

I have created some audios from German literature to be used as examples how to improve your German with audio.
At a later stage you are asked to select your own poems and passages from German authors you love and would like to explore and work on. Target group of this course are advanced students of German with an intermediate knowledge of the target language trying to master their language skills.

These audios are related to my course on UDEMY. They are examples only how to work with German literature audios About Peter Bloecker

Master your German

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Recent Episodes

Thomas Mann Novelle Tonio Kroeger
German Literature Franz Kafka Die Verwandlung
Promo video Udemy
Georg Trakl - Herbstgedicht
Audios related to my UDEMY course